The picturesque village of Lotzorai is situated between Santa Maria Navarrese and Tortolì, surrounded by beautiful scenery of mountains and sea. The village is renowned for its stunning sandy beaches with crystal-clear water and its agricultural products thriving in the plain to the west of the village. The beach is a bit outside the village, where several campsites are also located.
Lotzorai is also home to some archaeological sites. Certainly, one of the most beautiful and well-prepared for a visit is the Domus Janas, several fairy tombs around the remains of a Nuraghe in the western part of the village on the way to Talana.
From the village, it's easy to reach Santa Maria or Tortolì, even by bike.
The village itself has a calm and relaxed atmosphere, making it a great place to vacation among locals. There are some bars/cafés and restaurants here as well.